Learn About the FaithFaith is a flame that grows stronger the more it is shared and passed on." - POPE FRANCIS/faith_self
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Mass Times
Saturday:4:00 PMEnglishEnglishENSt. Mary's Church, Brushton, - April through September4:00 PMEnglishEnglishENSt. Augustine's Church, North Bangor - October through March
Sunday:8:00 AMEnglishEnglishENSt. Augustine's Church, North Bangor11:00 AMEnglishEnglishENSt. Mary's Church, Brushton
Ever feel like your TV has hundreds of channels and yet there is nothing worthwhile to watch? St. Augustine’s/St. Mary’s may have an option to help you.
Our parish has partnered with St. AndreBessette Parish in Malone to provide us with a subscription to FORMED - a site with a boatload of video & audio content that is solidly Catholic.
To access the site for free, please do the following:
1. Go to “formed.org” on your internet browser or download the Formed app on your phone or mobile device.
2. Scroll down the formed.org page and choose the “Sign Up Today” option - click on the blue “sign up” rectangle.
3. A new page comes up. Choose the “Sign Up As A Parishioner” option.
4. A new page called “Create A New Account” comes up. Type in “St. Andre Bessette Malone, NY” for a parish and then click on that when it appears below. Then click “next.”
5. This will bring up a page that asks you to type in your name & email address. Type them into the appropriate boxes. Click on the “Sign Up” option.
6. This will then bring up the FORMED site. Watch, Listen, and Enjoy!
7. After that, when you want to access the site, go to the formed.org page and click on the three lines on the upper right hand corner. Choose the “sign in” option. Enter your email address and a link will be sent to your email. Click on that link and that will bring you to the site.